Mission to Mobilization

Inspire. Mobilize. Change.

Distorted body image, sex trafficking, pornography, social media, addiction to video games, increased mental illness are six out of the ten (10) biggest struggles kids face today.  Your child, grand, or community kid may be suffering with one or several of these issues. 

We are in a state of an emergency and your child is not exempted. If they have access to an electronic device they are being influenced. 

Counter the messages your children receive? Establish values of importance.  Move from frustrated observation of child culture to confident leader for child empowerment!

Lovely World

Lovely Can is a story about how a nine year old girl named Lovely sets up a food drive at school once she discovers that her friend Lupe’s family doesn’t have food to eat. Lovely becomes discouraged when her fellow classmates do not share her interest or enthusiasm.

Lovely’s interest to help those in need inspires assistance from her mom, school officials and community members. Lovely discovers her love is her superpower! Her soft heart and hard work motivate and engages other students while secretly helping Lupe and her family in the process!

  1. Consider a child you would like to be positively impactful.
  2. Empower your child and establish an agreement to discover their world changing journey.
  3. Review a sample plan. Order and read the Lovely Can story with your child. Download “Kids Quest” your free guide for thought-provoking questions and discussion. Your FREE gift!

Lovely Mom

Key Problems You Face

Our culture is destroying your children. Depression and suicide in children and teens have skyrocketed. Parenting emotionally and socially healthy children has become increasingly difficult. Six (6) key problems; limited access to family-centered resources, negative media, diminished socialization, less compassionate support, limited confidence builders and fun fall purposeful ideas.

Kids Can Plan! 21 Day Plan of Play and Purpose!

Solutions for Child’s Social Symptoms


Ages 5-11



Ages 12-17



Lovely Mom is a storybook about how a nine year old girl named Lovely learns life lessons from her mom as they cook a meal.

Lovely’s mom teaches cooking skills, compassion for hurting people, and creative problem solving skills to Lovely and her younger brother Luke. Lovely discovers that her kindness for others originates in the heart of her mom and their home.

Learn how Lovely uses her love, faith, and hard work to help a friend in the storybook Lovely Can. Lovely Mom is part of the Lovely World Series inspiring children to love their neighbor as they love themselves. These books help children discover the importance of planting, cultivating and developing seeds of compassion and service. 

Lovely World books encourage parents and family members to nurture their children’s gifts in love as they grow and give them back to their community. 

Kids Can Club

Join Kids Can Club! Don’t miss out on special product offerings, exciting events and discounts on upcoming Lovely World books and Plan!
Sign up today!

Teaching Your Toddler

Marijo Tinlin interviews Sheila about Lovely Can and the impact of early love lessons!

One of our big goals this year as a school was to develop higher reading scores on our standardized tests with a focus on culturally relevant teaching practices and word study. I think these books will not only continue to push and challenge our students but will also allow them to read stories about children that look and feel like they do.


Word on the playground...

Listen for FREE to an excerpt of Lovely Can. Lupe reveals her problem to Lovely. Enjoy!
VO Narrated by Lynn Davis.

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