Video Brain-Change

Pong was the first video game, introduced in the late ’70s. From there, the video game industry has exploded, creating entertaining games for kids. However, this comes at a cost when children sink into playing games all day long. Psychologists claim prolonged exposure to video games rewire kids’ brains, creating an addiction. What many consider a harmless hobby can turn into a major problem if gone unchecked. When kids are asked to limit their video game playing time, this can result in tantrums, fights and disrespectful behavior, causing factions within families.

If you are a parent, educate yourself on the risks associated with prolonged exposure to video games. Set limits with children from an early age and postpone allowing them to play games until they are old enough to tolerate the effects. Help them learn that, with many things in life, a little can go a long way, teaching them to be carefully in-tuned with the physical and mental effects of playing too long. Source

Video gaming, and a host of other distractions, separate families. How can you tweak your behavior or influence family members to minimize screen time? Are there ways you can respectfully inspire family values or cultural norms?

There are so many constructive things we can do in place of video game time. Select quality activities to help your child grow. Reading books is a great option! Reading strengthensthe brain, and Lovely‘s story reminds us of how empathy and productive energy can change lives.   

by Sheila AO

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